Maya Corman
University Clermont Auvergne, France
Maya Corman (University Clermont Auvergne, LAPSCO CNRS UMR 6024) is a second-year PhD student in psychooncology under the supervision of Pr Michael Dambrun, Pr Regis Peffault Delatour and Jacques-Olivier Bay. Her thesis work focuses on a psychological approach of people with hemopathy and undergoing stem hematopoietic cell transplantation process. This topic has two issues: the first issue aims to identify deleterious (e.g anxiety) or protective (e.g optimism) psychological factors involved in the different steps of bone marrow transplantation process. The second aims to put in place preventive intervention focused on emotion and attention regulation in order to reduce psychological distress before hospitalization and provide to patients some emotional and attentional resources to cope with this event in an adaptive way. By proposing such an intervention via a digital platform this program aims to overcome hospitalization constraints like isolation and treatment side effects getting patients physically and psychologically vulnerable.